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An Introduction to Malaysian Borneo

Posted: 15th May 2015 08:14

Malaysian Borneo sits on the opposite side of the South China Sea from the mainland of the country.   It is divided into Sarawak and Sabah, and like mainland Malaysia, these states boast incredible social diversity.  However, while mainland Malaysia is still somewhat untamed in comparison to its neighbour Thailand, Borneo is truly wild.  It boasts lush rainforests, rugged mountains, beautiful rural villages and amazing wildlife including crocodiles, orang-utans and proboscis monkeys.

By far the best way to explore this amazing region is by walking, traversing the jungle trails between the small villages and arranging homestays overnight.  This will give you the chance to immerse yourself fully in the sights and sounds of the jungle, discover the charming wildlife for yourself and stumble across beautiful waterfalls and hot springs.  If you get the chance, a quiet boat ride down one of the many rivers is a fantastic way to see the native primates and pygmy elephants up close.

The highlight for most however is the opportunity to enjoy the amazing hospitality of the local indigenous people and stay in a traditional longhouse, eating delicious meals and bathing in refreshing crystal clear rivers.  If that is not an option, you can also sample a bit of local culture at the Sarawak cultural village.  This living museum showcases traditional arts like blowpipe hunting and dancing and gives you an intriguing glimpse into the customs of the native peoples.

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